Proof of Stake (PoS) mining is the activity of validating Blocks. Miners validate Blocks by voting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.  To get started you must have DCR in your wallet.

The PoS process is similar to a lottery system. PoS miners buy voting tickets to participate. The price of each ticket is locked in the network until the ticket is called to vote. When a Block is created, 5 tickets are chosen at random from the ticket database to vote on the Block.

For a detailed explanation, check

Voting in a stake pool

Stake pools are used to delegate voting power. If you are not wiling or able to keep your wallet online 24/7 it is wise to use a stake pool. Pools are designed to be highly available, which is why they hardly miss a voting opportunity. A stake pool cannot steal your funds, the locked ticket prices always stay within your wallet.

Important factors to consider when picking your pool: security of the pool, support channels, proportion of the network, current fee.

Recommended stake pools are:

3 Any other pool on the list:

Why ultrapool? We have talked to the pool operator directly. They are dedicated to keeping their pool online. The servers are rented from different providers and located on different continents. Furthermore, the fee of ultrapool is low compared to most other pools. Most importantly, for the decentralisation of the network it is recommended to pick stake pools that have <5% of network votes.

By clicking on the link and creating an active account at ultrapool you will enjoy a very good return, and also support the upkeep of Decredible. We have a deal that ultrapool donates a small portion of the profit.